Accredited tests

Materials or products tested Component, parameter or characteristic to be tested Reference number of the document specifying test methods, clause (where applicable)
Buildings partitions and elements Standardized level difference DnT,w
Apparent sound reduction index R‘W
LST EN ISO 16283-1:2014
LST EN ISO 16283-1:2014/A1:2018
LST EN ISO 717-1:2021
Buildings and elements Normalized impact noise level L‘n,w LST EN ISO 16283-2:2020
LST EN ISO 717-2:2021
Buildings partitions and elements Standardized level difference Dls,2m,nT,w LST EN ISO 16283-3:2016
LST EN ISO 717-1:2021
Ordinary rooms Reverberation time T60 LST EN ISO 3382-2:2008
LST EN ISO 3382-2:2008/AC:2009
Service equipment in buildings Equivalent steady sound pressure level
Maximum sound pressure level
Corrected sound pressure level in octave bands
LST EN ISO 16032:2004
Environmental noise (road traffic, rail traffic, air traffic, industrial plants) Equivalent continuous sound pressure level
Maximum sound pressure level
Sound exposure level
N percentage exceedance level
Day, evening, night sound levels Lden, Lday,h, Levening,h, Lnight,h
Sound pressure level in octave and third octave bands
Low frequency and infrasound
LST ISO 1996-1:2017
LST ISO 1996-2:2017
HN 30:2018
Natural and artificial illuminance in workplace Coefficient of natural illumination
Level of artificial illumination
HN 98:2014
SVP Nr.1
Thermal environment of working, residential and public premises Air temperature
Air relative humidity
Air movement speed
HN 69:2003
SVP Nr.2
HN 42:2009
SVP Nr.3
Buildings and parts of buildings Determination of air permeability of buildings LST EN ISO 9972:2015
In-situ determination of insertion loss of outdoor noise barriers of all types A weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level
A weighted sound exposure level
A weighted maximum sound pressure level
Insertion loss of barriers DIL
LST ISO 10847:2006
LST ISO 10847:2006/P:2007
Date of approval: 2021-07-26

Non - accredited tests

Materials or products tested Component, parameter or characteristic to be tested Reference number of the document specifying test methods, clause (where applicable)
Occupational noise exposure A weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level
A weighted noise exposure level
C weighted peak sound pressure level
LST EN ISO 9612:2009
Buildings partitions, windows, doors Thermal performance of buildings
Thermal irregularities in building envelopes — Infrared method
LST EN 13187:2000
Ventilation systems Air flow LST EN 12599:2013
Water Water temperature HN 24:2003

Licensed activities

Materials or products tested Component, parameter or characteristic to be tested Reference number of the document specifying test methods, clause (where applicable)
Soil (Geotechnical investigation) Cone resistance qc
Local friction fs
Pore pressure u2